Building a Resilient Workplace During Election Season: Conflict Management for a Polarized Time

Pile of I Voted Today stickers

As we approach our next presidential election, we stand at a crossroad with a wide range of social issues becoming increasingly polarized, many employees bring strong opinions and perspectives into the workplace, whether intentionally or not. These differences in viewpoints can sometimes lead to friction, misunderstandings, and even conflict among team members. Whether you are looking to prevent conflict through building relationships, strengthen your current conflict management policy, or your workplace has a significant conflict that you are working through, our team at Eckberg Lammers is here to help.  Our team can help facilitate better relationships and understanding between employees, which can go a long way toward preventing conflicts, building morale and strengthen the company conflict resolution/ management policies.

When employees build genuine relationships, they gain insight into what drives and motivates their colleagues, enabling them to appreciate each other’s perspectives. If relationships have already broken down and there is an existing conflict, our team can help you through structured mediation and reconciliation and by working with teams to build understanding and empathy. Reach out to see how we can assist in preventing negative workplace conflict. Turning negative workplace conflict into innovation that can transform the work environment and increase the productive of the space.

If you are interested in learning more about our Training & Consulting offerings reach out to us at (651) 439-2878.