Non-Competes No More: The 120 Days Begins to Toll May 7

UPDATE: Federal Judge Halts FTC’s Non-Compete Ban: Employers Can Breathe Easier—for Now The Federal Trade Commission has adopted a final rule adding a prohibition on post-employment non-competes. The rule is scheduled for publication on May 7, 2024, meaning the effective date of the rule will be September 4, 202

By: Christina Benson  Date: April 30, 2024

Understanding Workplace Investigations

WHAT IS A WORKPLACE INVESTIGATION?  Workplace investigations are an important element in effective risk management for companies. They are formal inquiries conducted to determine if any internal policies, laws or regulations are in violation. Third-party investigations assist in responding to reports of wrongdoing, and can provide preventative measures for businesses to mitigate future employee misconduct…

By: Lida Bannink  Date: April 17, 2024

Rights and Responsibilities for a Guardian or Conservator

Whether due to aging, disability, or some other unique circumstance, if a loved one starts to experience difficulty in taking care of themselves, the conversation family members often have surrounds whether one has the legal authority to act for the person who needs additional assistance, whether in their daily living, finances or otherwise.

By: Jade Klemmensen  Date: February 6, 2024

Charitable Giving Considerations

As we approach the end of the year, we give thanks for our blessings and consider again how to make a positive difference.  Research confirms that generosity is its own rewar

By: Patrick Boley LL.M.  Date: December 11, 2023

Three Phases of a Lawsuit

Clients often want to know how long a lawsuit will take if it goes all the way through a trial.   Although it varies a lot depending on the complexity of the case, generally my response is 10 to 12 months.  Lawsuits can be broken into three parts… pleadings, discovery, and some manner of conclusi

By: Kevin Sandstrom  Date: December 4, 2023

The Fundamental Reasons for Estate Planning During National Estate Planning Awareness Month

National Estate Planning Awareness Month this October serves as a helpful reminder of the importance of having an estate plan in place. An estate plan includes premeditated decisions about things that you wouldn’t ordinarily think of without going through the process of planning. There are many benefits in having an estate plan in plac

By: Jade Klemmensen  Date: October 26, 2023

A Millennial Perspective on Estate Planning

There’s no doubt that rapid advances in technology, social and political tensions, and the shift in trends of social media and digital workforces through the pandemic have not only changed the way we work and live through a production lens but have also shined a light on the beginnings of a massive shift of generations…

By: Jade Klemmensen  Date: October 18, 2023

Department of Labor Proposes Updating Overtime Requirements

On  August 30th, the Department of Labor announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to revise the regulations that govern when certain employees are entitled to overtime. While it is currently tentative whether and when these proposals will become effective, if effective, these proposals would significantly increase the number of employees required to receive overtime pay…

By: Lida Bannink  Date: September 5, 2023